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Nagoya Univ. Kawaguchi Lab.

Welcome to our website. Kawaguchi Lab. focuses on Ubiquitous computing and researches/develops wide variety of technologies.

YouTube ChannelUCLab Channel opened!

TMIGraduate Program for Lifestyle Revolution based on Transdisciplinary Mobility Innovation

Latest news

  • 22/04/2023: Add news functions
  • 15/02/2023: Tamra's paper accepted in Journal of '情報処理学会論文誌'!
  • 28/02/2022: Web page for JST CREST Internet of Realities Project promoted by Kawaguchi Lab!
  • 07/11/2020: The 1st Joint Research Presentation of Ubiquitous Computing Laboratory of Three Tokai Universities

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    Latest posts (written in Japanese, sorry!)


    Interop Tokyo 2024に参加しました

    Interop Tokyo 2024 に参加&デモ展示してきました


    Oiso Regional Development Forum 2024 was held.

    Dr.Yonezawa, Dr.Tahera, M2 naot and others organized Oiso Regional Development Forum 2024 as part of AmPlatea project.

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